Bakwoods Skateboarding Team - Miles Marnell
Skate Riders
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Where are you from?
I live in Highland where I have lived since I was 2 years old born in NY and I will always have a home here even if I move somewhere else, Upstate NY 4 Life.

How long have you been skating?
Been skating since i was twelve, but I've missed a lot of time from work, school, and my multiple injuries.

The injuries from skating/snowboarding are two broken left ankles, a broken right ankle, broken right foot, a damaged tooth/split lip from a board to the face, chipped bone in right foot, and more sprains/bruises/lacerations then I can count.

Other sponsors?
I also ride for Likwid Skateboards, Main St. New Paltz!!! and I ride for the most important sponsor, my own Self Satisfaction.

Favorite spot?
Anything me and Jay Smiles build. My miniramp, San Francisco with Jay. Weird trany spots, not lame ass pre fab junk parks.

What do you love about skating?
I like skating because its fun dumbies!! It keeps me in shape because god knows I don't go to the gym and never will.

What do you hate about skating?
Flip tricks, and how all east coast spots are harder to skate. Thats why east coast skaters are the best.

Skate heroes?
Jay smiles, Ed Templeton, John Cardiel, Satva Lueng, Donger.

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